Investment Aircraft Funds in preparation
Prime Invest is currently preparing an aircraft fund for family offices. The Family Office Investment Aircraft Fund focuses on the regional aircraft market.
Individualization still possible
It is not yet a finished offer for an investment. Essential features such as e.g. the legal and tax structuring are not fixed yet. Likewise, the individual investment properties have not yet been specifically identified. The term “Diversified Regional Aircraft Investment Fund” is only a working title. At this time Prime Invest is still extremely flexible and can respond to the individual needs of Family Offices. However, the thoughts on the Family Office Investment Fund are already well advanced.
Strong growth worldwide
The regional aircraft market is one of the fastest growing segments of the aviation industry. Airbus expects an additional demand of 6,000 aircraft in this segment by 2037 worldwide. Particularly strong growth is expected in the regions of Indonesia, India and China. In China alone are currently 50 !!! Airports built. 40 new airlines have recently received their AOC Air Operator Certfificate, which corresponds to an operating license. One requirement here is that 25 regional aircraft must first be operated before a long-haul jet can be integrated into the fleet. The regional aircraft market is ideal for a Family Office Investment Aircraft.

Diversification also means spreading risk
In addition to the market segment, the selection of aircraft is of particular importance. In the event of a default of the lessee, aircraft types that are operated by many airlines are generally quickly reused. Important features are cost-efficient operation, homogeneity of the spare parts for the individual aircraft type families, operational compatibility for the respective intended application areas and that the aircraft families can be flown with only one type rating of the pilots. With the selection of various aviation models that are popular with the airlines, high-credit rating airlines, various areas of operation and maturity bands of the leasing contracts, a high degree of risk diversification is achieved.

Experience and competence
Prime Invest has been investing in Investment Aircraft for about 20 years. The Aircraft Manger, which is targeted for the fund, has more than 130 successful transactions in excess of $ 30 billion.
Prime Invest bietet Sachwertinvestitionen für Family Offices als wichtigen Bestandteil der Vermögensdiversifikation
Real Estate Investment
Prime Invest offers Family Offices investment opportunities in Real Estate and Multifamily.
Investment Aircraft
Prime Invest offers Family Offices investment opportunities in Investment Aircraft.
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