Multifamily Investment with Prime Invest – a development in preparation
Prime Invest is currently preparing a new Multifamily Investment for semi-professional investors in the Southeastern United States. An investment in the development of a multi-family residential complex in the US is characterized by short investment time and high income opportunities. The demographic data speak for themselves: research agencies predict sustainable demand for residential real estate. Current developments and the new demands on living space by the population of the Millennials are setting new standards. Meeting these is a challenge to the industry.
Booming residential markets
The residential real estate markets in the USA are booming. While the peak in the Tier 1 cities, e.g. Washington DC and Boston is already reached, the demand in the so-called secondary markets is unbroken. These are about 70 metropolitan areas in the US, which have also proven in the past as a hotspot for in Multifamily Investment.
There are many reasons for a multifamily investment:
• The US is the largest economy in the world
• Positive growth forecasts are forecast
• The USD is the most important world currency
• The US ranks second in the Global Competitiveness Report (2018), with Switzerland ranking first, Germany fifth
• Population growth is around 2 million people p.a. very dynamic
• The Millennials, a population of 80 million, pushes the rental housing markets
• The baby boomers, whose children are now out of the house, leave their homes and look for attractive rental apartments
• Substantial replacement demand for aging old stock
• The US tax reform favors housing for rent and makes home ownership more expensive
• New jobs are driving demand for rental housing: there are currently around 200,000 new jobs created in the US every month.
• Low correlation with European investments allows for advantageous diversification
• Diversification also possible within the USA

Prime Invest is currently preparing a new Multifamily Investment. A development of a residential complex with more than 300 apartments is in the planning. This investment is still available for a single investor. If necessary, Prime Invest also structures a club deal.
Exit strategy
The exit strategy provides for a sale after stabilization. Stabilization is achieved when the Multifamily Investment is 6 months 95% leased. The investment period will therefore be 3 to 5 years. For individual investments, the exit strategy can be individualized. We recommend short-term exit-strategy. The expected return is in the double-digit range.
Community of interest
The interest of investors is preceded by, only when a certain minimum interest (for example, 8% p.a.) has been achieved for the investor, the actors participate in percentage of the realized results. The actors also participate in the equity to be contributed. Thus a community of interest is formed among all participants.
Experienced partners with impressive track records.
This Multifamily investment is in preparation, there is currently no ready offer. If you are interested in investing in a Multifamily Investment, please contact us. We are happy to consider your individual requirements in the design of this investment opportunity.
We are always available for further questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
You are welcome.