Clubdeal enables premium investments

Über Prime Invest

Real asset investments in the premium segment usually have one thing in common: the overall expenses are very high and often represent a lump of risk even for larger assets as a single investment. A clubdeal enables premium investments without this risk.

The alternative is a fund or – particularly suitable for the semi-professional and professional investor – a club deal, formerly called Private Placement.
A small circle of investors forms a community of interests in which the parameters for an intended investment are determined jointly and the investment is made under these conditions. In contrast to a mutual fund, the decision-making power remains with the investors.

If you have an interesting investment opportunity, but do not want to do it alone, Prime Invest will structure a club deal for you and help you find suitable investment partners.

When structuring a club deal, some legal regulations must be observed. They are not publicly available but only made available to a small circle of semi-professional and professional investors. It is ultimately a small, exclusive group of investors who make a premium investment. As far as possible, the individual needs of investors are taken into account when structuring.

If an investment qualifies as a club deal, it does not fall under the rules of the KAGB,
which means significant cost savings and significantly less administrative overhead.
Prime Invest specializes in cost efficiency, transparency, customization and flexibility in structuring a club deal.

Prime Invest accompanies a club deal from the identification of the assets, over the holding time, to the recovery. Great attention is already paid to the respective exploitation opportunity during the acquisition. The old merchant rule: the profit is in the purchase, is still valid today.

Club Real Estate Investment:


Even at the early stage of a real estate investment, we enable investors to participate in a real estate investment as part of a club deal (private placement) or as a single investment. Already when buying a plot
together with the developer, the parameters for the intended real estate investment are discussed and determined.
Prime Invest structures club deals for semi-professional and professional investors.

Clubdeal Multifamily

multifamily mit prime invest

Multifamily has always been the most attractive real estate submarket in the US. The so-called “secondary markets”, which include over 70 metropolitan regions, offer particularly interesting and sustainable investment opportunities.
The share of homeowners in the US has been steadily declining since the crisis. The US is becoming a land tenant.
While the ownership quota was 70% 10 years ago, it has so far steadily dropped to around 63%. This sustainable trend is also forecast for the next few years. A
clubdeal enables premium investments in multifamily sector.
In USA we structure Clubdeal Mutlifamily since 1992.

Club Deal Investment Aircraft

Clubdeal Investment Aircraft A220-300

Sustainable growth of 5% p.a. Air traffic is a key argument in our asset class Clubdeal Investment Aircraft.
Passenger traffic and also airfreight will continue to increase by 5% over the next 20 years expected.
Great attention is paid to the choice of aircraft types. State-of-the-art technology, maintenance-optimized operation and high acceptance by the airlines are prerequisites for our investment aircraft. This selection ensures good reuse after the first, usually 12-year lease. A clubdeal enables premium investments in the sector investment aircraft.

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