We generate added value with Clubdeal
for Investment Aircraft, Real Estate Investment and Multifamily.

Why Clubdeal
Asset investments in the premium segment of the respective intended asset class are usually in the small group of investors better to realize.
If an investment qualifies as a club deal, it does not fall under the rules of the KAGB,
which means significant cost savings and significantly less administrative overhead.
Prime Invest is a specialist for cost efficiency, transparency, customization and flexibility as major advantages
a club deal in Real Estate Investment Europe, Multifamily USA and Investment Aircraft.
If you have an interesting investment but do not want to shoulder it on your own, Prime Invest will structure a club deal for you and help you find suitable investment partners.
Our club deal divisions
Prime Invest accompanies your club deal

Prime Invest accompanies a club deal from the identification of the assets, over the holding time, to the recovery. Great attention is already paid to the respective exploitation opportunity during the acquisition.
The old merchant rule: the profit is in the purchase, but also in the sale, is still valid today
Clubdeal – Real Estate Investment
Even at the early stage of a real estate investment, we enable investors to participate in a real estate investment as part of a club deal (private placement) or as a single investment.
Already when buying a plot together with the developer, the parameters for the intended real estate investment are discussed and determined.
Prime Invest structures club deals for semi-professional and professional investors.
Clubdeal - Multifamily
The most attractive real estate submarket in the US is and has always been Multifamily. Particularly interesting and sustainable Clubdeal Multifamily offer the so-called “secondary markets”, which include over 70 metropolitan areas.
The US is increasingly evolving from a land of homeowners to a land of tenants.
While the ownership rate was 70% 10 years ago, it has so far dropped to around 63%. This sustainable trend is also forecast for the next few years.
In USA we structure Clubdeal Mutlifamily since 1992.

Clubdeal - Investment Aircraft
Air traffic doubles every 15 years. Despite crises such as the Gulf War, 9/11 and SARS and the financial crisis of 2009.
Passenger traffic will continue to increase over the next 20 years, expected by all researche companies.
Great attention is paid to the choice of aircraft types. State-of-the-art technology, maintenance-optimized operation and high acceptance by the airlines are the basic requirements and ensure a good reuse after the first, usually 12-year initial lease.
We have aroused your interest?
Contact us, we look forward to you