real estate investment as clubdeal

real estate frankfurt kaiserstrasse

The total cost of Tropy real estate quickly reaches levels that would be a lump of risk to a private asset. This is especially true for trophy buildings in prime locations, which are particularly popular with investors. A real estate investment as clubdeal offers the opportunity to elegantly avoid this and still participate in top real estate with a real estate investment. Also in terms of funding, the distribution of the intended multi-faceted investment may be crucial. Banks prefer to spread their mortgages over several shoulders.

However, the special rules of the capital investment law must be taken into account. Pitfalls lurk here that can quickly lead to unwanted results. Legal assistance, which takes into account the current case law, is essential. An important one is e.g. All investors must be involved in decision-making processes. The successive collection of the required equity is not permitted. At a constitutive meeting, the entire equity capital must be raised, a later admission of further investors is not possible. At this time, no finished offer may be available, so it is not necessary to prepare a prospectus. Already an already defined name of the intended investment could already indicate a ready offer, why a working title is to be used. The decision-making basis includes project information, indicative example calculations and contract templates.

The formation of a community of interest between all parties involved in a real estate investment as clubdeal, is an essential part of the structuring of club deals, because only if everyone sees their demands satisfied to satisfaction, the teamwork can succeed. An effective means for this is a profit sharing, in which the income of all parties involved, at least in part, according to the realized success of the property, are measured.

clubdeal prime invest

Even in the early stages of a real estate investment, we offer investors as part of a club deal (Private Placement) or as a single investment in real estate as an investment to participate. Already when buying a piece of land, the parameters for the intended real estate investment are discussed and determined together with the developer and the investors. Prime Invest structures club deals for semi-professional and professional investors.

Even if you would like to exploit a property and would like to realize this with co-investors, we will be pleased to advise you. We review the possibilities and approach suitable co-investors.

For further information we are always at your disposal. Get in contact with us and we will discuss your preferences and our possibilities.

Prime Invest designs club deals for tangible asset investments. Our activities focus on real estate investments, from project development to portfolio properties and developments of multifamily facilities in the USA, as well as opportunities in the aviation sector. Our Diversified Regional Aircraft Fund offers risk diversification in a sustainably growing market that will also survive crises such as Corona. In doing so, we attach importance to aircraft types that are characterized by the lowest possible kerosene consumption. We welcome the efforts towards climate-neutral flying.

We thank you for your attention and are available at all times to answer any further questions you may have.

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